Petronor gets petroleum products which, once chemically treated inside or outside the Muskiz Refinery, will later turn into many of the consumer goods that make life simple and more pleasant.
Although the list is vast, the most relevant are the following:
These are the products used to supply energy and heat to homes.

This element is the basis for the manufacture of plastics, pharmaceutical components and other products.

The most common use of this product is as jet fuel.

This derivative serves as a heat and power source at home, plus its widespread use as a fuel for an increasing number of vehicles. It is also distributed through the petrol station network.

The petroleum’s heaviest part produces fuel oil, which is used as a base for industrial fuels, but is currently falling into disuse.

This fuel, which is so common in the automotive industry, is obtained by using gasoline as a raw material, and reaches the market through the company’s own service stations network.

Finally, the heavier components that remain after the distillation process are used to create asphalt, used in roads, motorways and derivatives in construction materials.

Sulphur is obtained from the purification processes of diesel and gasoline. It is mainly used in the production of sulphuric acid, essential to many industries, and in the manufacture of products such as soaps, paper bleach and phosphors.

Propylene is a colorless and almost odorless hydrocarbon. At Petronor it is obtained in the catalytic cracking process or FCC. This product is widely used in the petrochemical industry to produce plastics, as well as in the manufacture of chemical products. It is also an indispensable component in the production of synthetic fibers and other industrial materials.

Petroleum coke is a solid, carbonaceous by-product obtained in the delayed coking process. It is used mainly as fuel in cement plants due to its high energy content. In addition, petroleum coke is used in the production of anodes for aluminum manufacturing and in the fabrication of chemical products.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a colorless, odorless gas obtained mainly as a by-product of combustion and various chemical reactions such as steam reforming. It is used in the food industry to carbonate beverages, in fire extinguishing systems and in the production of chemicals. In addition, CO2 is used in refrigeration as dry ice and in the production of synthetic fuels.