Partners of industrial projects:

Petronor has so far defined 6 projects for the development of new production units for a total amount of 544 million euros.
One of the features of these projects is the fact that some of them are situated in the Port of Bilbao and that Petronor manages them through its subsidiary Alba Free Emission Energy, which develops them in partnership with other companies, such as EVE, Nortegas, Enegas, OCO, Preco and Aranco.
Among the projects, is the Petronor park with 3 electrolysers for the production of renewable hydrogen. The first of 2.5 MW is already in operation and the largest of these, 100 MW, to be installed at the Refinery, has been approved with an investment of 260 million euros, having been declared of European interest and obtaining a subsidy of €160M.
Another outstanding project is the synthetic fuels demonstration plant, the first of its kind in the Repsol group, which has begun to be built in the Port of Bilbao with an investment of €120M.