Petronor, responsible with all its actions, directs all its activity toward minimizing the impact on the environment beyond compliance with legislation, implementing BATs (Best Available Technologies), as is evidenced by the Environmental Management System Certification following the ISO 14001 standard (AENOR, IQNet).
This commitment materialized in environmental goals and targets, set out in the Strategic Environmental Plan (PEMA), which are deployed at all levels of the organization, by the respective action plans.
The company provides environmental training adapted to the functions and responsibilities of its employees, and we encourage our collaborators to take part in the environmental practices set up in Petronor. With this training and awareness raising we make it possible to reinforce the commitment of all our activities to the environment.
In accordance with our basic principle of prevention and impacts reduction associated with our activity, we continuously monitor environmental parameters; we monitor this using representative indicators that help us to improve. These indicators are referenced by public bodies and university centers.
Good Environmental Practices Agreement with the Bilbao Port Authority
Another tool we use to detect opportunities for improvement and make progress in the continuous enhancement of environmental management is the planning of audits, which is reflected in an annual program.
Consistent with its commitments, Petronor develops two ways to safeguard its environment: on the one side, by controlling air emissions, maintaining an optimized water management, reducing odors and noise to the minimum possible and recycling as much waste as possible; on the other side, by manufacturing increasingly cleaner products thanks to cutting edge technology.
Controles de explotación de las instalaciones y equipos, mediante programas de mantenimiento así como inspecciones periódicas que responden a la normativa legal y a exigentes normativas de reconocido prestigio.